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conventional wisdom suggests that中文是什么意思

用"conventional wisdom suggests that"造句"conventional wisdom suggests that"怎么读"conventional wisdom suggests that" in a sentence


  • 一般人认为…


  • Conventional wisdom suggests that developers who specialize in a particular area , such as databases or guis , should apply their efforts solely to those areas
  • Performance discussion groups are full of questions like " should i code like this , which is how everyone usually does it , or should i code like that , for better performance ? " conventional wisdom suggests that we should avoid early optimizations and apply best practices until performance measurement shows the need for optimization , but the reality is that every time we write a line of code , we are making a decision that can affect performance
    性能讨论组中充斥着类似于这样的问题“我应该像大多数人那样编写代码,还是为了得到更好的性能那样编写代码? ”一般专家会建议应该避免早期的优化,并且直到性能测试显示需要优化的时候才使用最优方法,但实际情况是我们每写一行代码都在做出会影响到性能的决定。
用"conventional wisdom suggests that"造句  
conventional wisdom suggests that的中文翻译,conventional wisdom suggests that是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译conventional wisdom suggests that,conventional wisdom suggests that的中文意思,conventional wisdom suggests that的中文conventional wisdom suggests that in Chineseconventional wisdom suggests that的中文conventional wisdom suggests that怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。